Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 63 – Week Nine and Counting

Well, once again for a milestone of sorts, a minor one to be sure, but every one counts for something. I have completed Week Nine well ahead of schedule. I have sampled enough beers for the twelve week mark. I am averaging over 13 beers a week, three better than I'm supposed to. I am thirty beers ahead of schedule. The average rating for the beers I have sampled from my fellow ratebeerians is 3.06. My average rating for the same beers is 2.98.

I'm feeling pretty good right now.

I still have a long way to go, of course, but I'm 17% of the way through with 23% of the beer sampling goal completed. Within a couple of days, I will be below the 400 mark in beers and the 300 mark in days.

I'm feeling pretty good right now.

In the past two days, I've had some pretty good pale ales and some not so good not pale ales. Acme California Pale Ale from North Coast Brewing and Drifter Pale Ale from Widmer Brothers are both worth trying. A tad on the bitter side, but mostly well balanced, which, if you have been following me for a while, is my preference. However, if you of the same taste as I, then you might want to think a bit about PranQster Golden Ale from North Coast and Glissade Golden Bock from Sierra Nevada. The former was a bit too sweet and the latter was a bit too bitter.

Still, I'm feeling pretty good right now.

In spite of the fact that AZ has become the laughing stock of the country. Whether you agree with the laws AZ has passed lately or not, you have to admit they are pretty far out there. First there was the Birther law, the one where a presidential candidate has to submit proof of citizenship to the AZ Secretary of State in order to appear on the state ballot, in spite of the fact that there is a national agency that certifies such a thing. It is an effort to keep them lying Kenyans out of office, I suppose. Then there is the Immigration Law, giving AZ law enforcement personnel the power of national Immigration police. Papers please?

Then came the call for a law that would require employers to hire Spanish translators for those patrons who don't speak English. Fortunately, AZ did pass a law that banned that outlandish idea. For those people who disagree, I ask one simple question - name me one other country that has that law? Mexico? Sorry, no habla englais. Canada? Try that in Quebec, my friend, and find yourself on the outside looking in. So why here? If we did that for hispanics, then why not orientals and europeans and - oh, wait! - native americans? Can you imagine the price of groceries when your local stop and rob has twenty people on staff in case they are needed to translate?

Give me a f@*#ing break.

Still, I'm feeling pretty good right now.

What? What do you mean I have to translate this blog into Armenian? You can't shut me down for that! I'm an American and I have my rights!

What? What do you mean by "prove it?" I don't know, my birth certificate is around here somewhere...

Fine. I didn't want to be President anyway.



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