Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 221 – The Power of Madison Avenue

I'm sure we all know that the purpose of marketing is to get us to buy crap, literally and figuratively. Figuratively I'm okay with. If I don't know a product is out there, how will I know about it and how will I know I want to buy it? Literally, I have more of a problem with.

Take beer, for example. I'm not sure why I chose beer, but let's go with that, shall we?

I have rated more than 360 beers in the last 7 months. Before I began this quest, I admit that I had never heard of New Belgium, Left Hand, and Lost Coast Breweries, among others. Yet they have beers that are at the top of my list.

What beers do we see advertised on TV? Besides Bud, Coors, and Miller, I mean? Let's see...Beck's...Heineken...Corona...Stella Artois...Dos Equis. Yeah, right, the Most Fascinating Man in the World, the hispanic dude who says he doesn't drink beer often, but when he does, it is Dos Equis. Well, duh! Of course he doesn't drink beer often. What he drinks is crap! I wouldn't drink beer often if that is all I drank. Kind of makes you rethink the Most Fascinating Man in the World title, doesn't it?

Becks? Crap. Heineken? Crap. Corona? Crap. Stella? Crap.

Sam Adams and Guinness are the only brews nationally advertised that appear in my Top 100. The rest in the upper crust are relative unknowns for the most part. The ones that appear in my Bottom 100? More often than not, nationally advertised brands.

So the moral of the story (blog?) is that Madison Avenue is a one big prostitute. They will take money to promote crap while the really good stuff remains obscure. The second moral of the story? Most beers advertised on TV are crap.

Want a good beer? Try something you've never heard of. Odds are, you can't do any worse than what you're already drinking and you might just find something better.

Life is good and so is beer.

"Salametlikingiz ucun" which is Uyghur for "For your health." What? You don't know who speaks Uyghur? You must be a Bud drinker. It's spoken by a Turkic ethnic group that lives in Eastern and Central Asia. Any sophisticated beer drinker knows that.


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